Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Almond Roca

1t. & 1 c. butter, divided
1 1/2 c. sugar
1 T. light corn syrup
3 T. water
1 c. almonds, coarsely chopped
1 T. almonds, finely chopped
3/4 c. chocolate chips
  1. With 1 teaspoon of butter, coat a cookie sheet and spread out the 1 c. of coarsely chopped almonds.  Set aside.
  2. Melt 1 cup of butter in a medium pot. Add the sugar, corn syrup, and water. Cook, stirring frequently, until the mixure reaches 290 degrees (just before hard crack stage) on a candy thermometer.
  3. Working quickly and carefully, pour the hot mixture over the almonds on the cookie sheet.
  4. While still hot, sprinkle the top of the candy with chocolate chips. Using  a flat spatula, lightly spread the chocolate over the candy as they melt. Sprinkle the finely chopped almonds over the top.
  5. Let the chocolate cool before breaking the candy into 1-2″ pieces. Arrange in a bag, tin, or on a plate.

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